libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) download

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libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) download by softichnic

 LibUsb-Win32 Change Log

V1.2.6.0 (01/17/2012)

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* Official release.

* Removed ISO maximum transfer size restrictions/transfer spltting.

* Fixed inf-wizard device notification issue.

V1.2.5.0 (07/23/2011)


* Official release.

V1.2.4.9 (07/13/2011) – SNAPSHOT RELEASE


* Updated GCC lib file ‘libusb.a’

V1.2.4.8 (07/12/2011) – SNAPSHOT RELEASE


* Added new public api function ‘usb_reset_ex’. this is often an extended

device reset function which allows developers to specify a port reset, a

port cycle, or both.

* Added new public defines ‘USB_RESET_TYPE_XXX’ for ‘usb_reset_ex’


V1.2.4.7 (07/02/2011) – SNAPSHOT RELEASE


* Sync transfers which specify a zero (0) timeout are now considered to be


V1.2.4.6 (05/12/2011) – SNAPSHOT RELEASE


* Added device interface registration. This provides identical

functionality to the “DeviceInterfaceGUIDs” supported by WinUSB and

libusbK. a tool interface guid are often laid out in the .inf file. They

are often wont to quickly locate a usb device or set of USB devices using

the setup api also as device notification registration.

* New IOCTL codes added to for native libusbK/WinUSB compatibility.

NOTE: These IOCTLs are currently used only by libusbK.dll.














* Renamed main header file (usb.h) to lusb0_usb.h. This eliminates

conflicts with the most WDK usb include also as making the

libusb-win32 header more distinguishable from other usb library header


* Added device descriptor caching and active/first config descriptor

caching. Descriptor caching prevents unnecessary control requests from

interrupting devices that would potentially be in-use. It also makes

libusb0.sys more compliant with usb libraries targeting platform where

descriptor caching is completed automatically. (linux/mac)


* Upgraded to libwdi v1.1.1

o Zadig UI improvements

o wdi-simple now handles certificate related operations

o New NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) script sample

o improved INNO Setup script sample

o libusbK support

o autogeneration and self-signing of a .cat file, to stop further security

prompts during driver installation on Vista and later.

for more information, see

o disable restore point creation during installation

o Visual Studio 2010 support and overall MS file cleanup

o use of the Kerberos/e2fsprogs parser in Zadig rather than libconfig


V1.2.4.0 (04/11/2011)


* Removed get configuration request from the core driver

set_configuration function. This caused problems with

some non-compliant usb devices.

* Added device descriptor dump to check applications.

V1.2.3.0 (03/16/2011)


* Fixed bug-id 3117686 reported by Tim Schuerewegen.


* Added LIBUSB_IOCTL_GET_OBJECT_NAME. This new IOCTL code retrieves object

from the driving force . the sole valid object name index is 0. Index 0 is

returns the devices plug and play registry key pathname.

* Removed maximum timeout restriction for vendor class requests.


* Added install-filter-win.exe. A gui installer for device filters.


* Added new libusb0.dll function usb_install_np_rundll(). This function

is meant for rundll32.exe and takes an equivalent parameters as


* Updated install-filter.exe. This application has several new features.

Type “install-filter –help” for more details.


* Updated libusb-win32-devel-filter package. This package is once more

available for download as a setup.exe.

* Updated libusb-win32 “bin” package format. inf-wizard.exe has been moved

up one directory.

* Updated driver_installer_template.iss example. this is often an Inno Setup

Script showing the way to create your own setup.exe for installing your

application and driver.

* Fixed missing byte order marker in inf-wizard.exe .inf files. (libwdi)

* Fixed auto-configuration issue when there’s quite one driver within the


* Fixed BSOD when using the filter driver with devices that are auto

suspended by other drivers within the stack.

* Fixed BSOD for devices with endpoints that have ‘0’ for wMaxPacketSize.

* Fixed BSOD when cancelling large transfers on high speed devices.

V1.2.1.0 (07/28/2010)


* Updated bulk.c to incorporate async i/o example code.

* Fixed usb_install_driver_np() issue with inf-wizard generated infs.

* Fixed inf2cat.exe issue with inf-wizard generated infs.

* Added ‘Install Now’ feature to inf-wizard. (libwdi)

* Added embedded libusb-win32 binaries to inf-wizard. (libwdi)

* Added libwdi ( to inf-wizard.

* Added get cached configuration request to usb_open(). this is often a replacement

control code that involves no device i/o and allows

usb_set_configuration() to be omitted if the driving force has already

configured it.

* Fixed set_configuration() failure for devices that don’t properly

support get_configuration().

V1.2.0.0 (07/07/2010)


* First signed driver release! The libusb-win32 kernel driver (libusb0.sys)

can now be used on x64 Windows machines that need signed drivers.

* Fixed 2128187 reported by Tim Green. usb_get_descriptor() can fail

because the given buffer of 8 bytes is just too small.

* Fixed 2928293 reported by Tim Green. Sometimes the decision to

usb_fetch_and_parse_descriptors() in usb_find_devices() can fail. This

patch moves the LIST_ADD to after a successful read of the device’s

configuration descriptors.

* Fixed issue causing libusb-win32 to not act as power policy owner

when it should.

* Fixed issue during which on rare occasion, a libusb-win32 filter device could

run as a “normal” device.

* Fixed filter driver issue for device using wudfr.sys.

* Added large transfer splitting to driver (bulk, int, iso). NOTE:

The dll continues to interrupt transfers within the same manner it always has.

V1.1.14.3 (06/12/2010)


* Remove get_configuration() request from usb_open(). This caused claim

interface to fail when used as a filter driver.

V1.1.14.0 (06/01/2010)


* Updated logging functions and standardized log message display format.

* Updated inf-wizard to use the new directory format for the libusb-win32


* Updated package directories to reflect the winddk BUILDARCH env variable.

(i64 := ia64, x64 := amd64)

*Added request to urge the present configuration in usb_open().

* Fixed 2960644 (reported by farthen) crash on shutdown with x64 based

systems while using inf files for every libusb device.

* Added additional log message only included in debug/chk builds.

* Updated default log levels to highest verbose level for debug builds.

* Added test signing support to the libusb-win32 make.cmd. this enables

libusb0.sys and libusb0.dll to be signed with a digital signature.

(see make.cmd for mmore details)

* Added MSVC 2008 project files

* Moved version defines to an include file (libusb_version.h)

This file is generated from with “make.cmd makever”

*Removed all “dist” commands from cyg/mingw makefile. Instead use “make.cmd”

within the “ddk_make” directory.

* Fixed filter setup not running in 64bit mode

* Fixed 64bit inf-wizard, testlibusb-win builds

* Added set initial config value #1 when the driving force isn’t a filter.

optionally, the initial configuration value are often laid out in the inf

file: HKR,,”InitialConfigValue”,0x00010001,

* Added support for querying device registry keys


* Added support for querying device properties


* Fixed possible race condition in kernel add_device()

* Updated default ddk build version number to to facilitate

Microsoft WHQL submission.

libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) download

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USB library libusb-0.1

* Added DDK build distribution system. Official libusb-win32 releases

(after are built using Microsoft’s WinDDK. (see make.cmd)

libusb-win32 may be a port of the USB library libusb-0.1 ( to 32/64bit Windows (2k, XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, 2008; 98SE/ME for v0.1.12.2). The library allows user space applications to access many USB device on Windows.

* Fixed 2658937 (reported by Tim Roberts) The libusb-win32 driver always

acts as an influence policy owner.

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